Wood cutouts in animal patterns and a simple store bout nightlight help make those dark jungle nights a lot less scary.
Store-bought night light with a plastic bulb shade
Pre-painted wooden animal shapes
Animal print felt
Tacky glue
High temperature glue gun
High temperature hot glue
1. Hot glue a wooden animal shape to the front of the plastic bulb shade. Use high temperature hot glue so that the heat of the bulb does not affect the seal.
2. Cut out a rectangle of felt that will wrap around the switch base of the nightlight. Cut a small square window for the switch to be accessed. Glue the animal print felt to the switch base of the nightlight using Tacky Glue.
I tweeted! Love this project. My sister loves hippos and this same hippo cut out that you used for this project has been sitting on my shelf. Now, I have a fun idea for it and for my sister! Thanks!