Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I encourage you to take a swing too.

Feeling pretty lucky to get this glittered bat in the mail....{and the timing is perfect!}   I recently wrote about success and how I'm personally most proud of my failures because that means I am "swinging my glittery bat", going for it and taking risks.  You can read the original post here.  I had no idea the spark that blog post would ignite in people.  I have received so many letters and emails from folks who are getting up everyday and going for their dreams.  It has been amazing!  
This morning as I'm getting reintroduced to my desk after a big trip to HSN. I spot a long fed-ex tube near the printer.  It was a gift from a young couple from Oklahoma.  They are a two very talented people who are going after their dreams, following their passions and daring to risk.  You can imagine that I had no idea what could be in the tube but figured it would be cool knowing them.  As I opened the tube, it didn't take long for me to figure out that it was a glittered bat.  My grin grew wide and I picked up the bat and took a swing.

I encourage you to take a swing too.


1 comment:

I love comments and questions. Sometimes it takes me a few days to reply. Have a wonderful day!
