Friday, February 17, 2012

The Filian Family: Baby Onesie Adoption Announcement

Of course we wanted to get crafty with our announcement to our family that we were going to adopt.  Since Eddie's mom is close by (I hear built in baby sitter) we decided to whip up a faux box of candy for her.  We were announcing on Valentine's night.

We invited MIL over, I had a fancy shrimp and brown rice dish keeping warm in the oven and we popped a bottle of  Moet champagne for a toast.  Shelly was in total shock when we told her the BIG news.....we knew this was going to happen.  It took a few moments for it all to sink in for her and by the end of the night she was begging us to make it happen soon.  On speaker phone we called each of my sets of folks starting with my Mom and Step-dad in Florida and then my Dad and Step-mom in Oklahoma.  Everyone was beyond excited!  The night before we called all our siblings to tell them the good news.  They all promised not to spill the "baby-beans" and to my shock they didn't.

When we gave Shelley her box of faux chocolates she was so excited. It was truly a memorable night that we will never forget.

To make the onesie, we designed an image on the computer, reversed the image and printed it on inkjet iron-on transfer paper.  Next, we cut around the image, placed it in the center of a baby onesie and attached it with an iron.  Make sure you follow the package instructions.

For the box, I Mod Podged the top with heart paper.  You can see this tutorial for step by steps.

Next, I cut away the the inside of the box and stuffed it with pink tissue paper.

We tucked the onesie into the candy box.

Oh La favorite ribbon....vintage seam binding.

Last we added a bow.

If are interested in more altered baby onesie ideas....check out 101 Snappy Fashions.


  1. Very cute onsie!! And congratulations again. My husband and I adopted our daughter 8 years ago. We don't regret one moment of it.

    1. Aweosme! We are super excited and a little nervous about the whole process. Thanks!! xo

  2. candi7:59 AM

    Congratulations. I have friends that have done foreign country adoptions. My son & daughter in law adopted through foster care to adoption program in their city. We became grandparents of a 4 yr old boy & his 2 yr old sister. This was 4 years ago. Instant family. We are thrilled with them. Good luck. This will definitely be a life changer, but well worth it.

    1. How exciting for you and for the kids! What a wonderful story! xo

  3. So happy for you Cathie, your hubby and the entire family. What an exciting time ahead for you.

  4. Congrats..Have fun dear..all the best!

  5. Thanks so much! Hugs!

  6. How Wonderful! I found you through clipix. Your vt chalkboard was clipped and I re-clipped it. I din't know you had a blog! I will be following (stalking) you now!

  7. What a creative idea! Congrats Cathie--this is such exciting news!!!

  8. Cathie Your adopting a baby will change your life forever (for the good).I had the blessing of adopting an 8 day old baby boy just after having lost a baby I had given birth to. That was 50 years ago now. I would not have traded one day of any of it. Do you know when your happy day will be or have you already been blessed with a bundle of joy.


I love comments and questions. Sometimes it takes me a few days to reply. Have a wonderful day!



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