Thursday, February 17, 2011

Waving Hi and Catching my Breath.

Hello Friend,

Please excuse my blogging absence... things have been a little nutty.  The ups and downs of life really have me on a rollercoaster lately.  I guess the good part is that the extreme pull my hair out, crying as I walked through the Glendale Galleria bad stuff is SO over shadowed by all the wonderful (OMG this is real) good stuff.


Last week my hard drive bit the dust - gone - good bye - I LOST IT ALL and in the process, I managed to go into complete shock at the Mac store.  It was like a giant wave of docs, budgets, pictures and invoices flashed before my eyes.  Unfortunately, I had not backed-up since before lots was lost.  As the giant wave began to settle, the tears began to fall from my eyes.  I was like a splotchy faucet walking through the mall.  When I got home, I managed to remain calm and still to this day, as I type on my new/old computer, I feel somewhat Ok with the whole crash and burn.  I guess I've resolved to the fact that it is time to say good-bye to somethings in order to say hello to new.

 Enough of the pity party..... 
Let's Celebrate.

{{{{{SO HAPPY FOR}}}}}

My hubby made me a handmade frame for Valentine's Day.

I got a sneak peek at the cover of my next book and I love it!

Plaid Craft TV is almost wrapped.

My mom sold a $1500.00 painting on etsy.

Hot Glue Gun Helpers are doing Smashing.

My sissy fell off a horse - but she was wearing a helmet and is only sore.

My next date for Home Shopping Network is on my Dad's Birthday!

My dog (max) got groomed and  he looks cute!

The last of my new colors of glitter have arrived and are ready for pictures.

I managed to thoroughly clean my bedroom and I reorganized the china hutch.


  1. Wow, lots happening in your world, but you are strong and it will all be good. Can't wait to see more from Plaid Craft

  2. Wow! You have been busy! So glad things are going well for you! :) Aside from the whole crash and burn hard drive thing. lol.

  3. i feel your pain sister - before i went mac my dell crashed and i never backed up and i lost EVERYTHING... videos, scripts, you name it. It was devastating and i cried and then yeah - you finally get to a place of well -clean slate. So happy for all that is going great! go go go!

  4. When do you nap? that's my question. Geesh girl take a breather! Things seem to be going great for you . . except for the computer thing. But your kind of busy is a good thing.


I love comments and questions. Sometimes it takes me a few days to reply. Have a wonderful day!
