Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bake it: Mini Peach Cobblers

Bake it: Mini Peach Cobblers

If you are baking for 1 or two, this is a quick and easy dessert that is made with fresh peaches. Of course you could substitute the peaches for a melody of berries or apples. Double the recipe as needed if you are cooking for more. For dinner parties, I love making them in ramekins - yes a little more dishes at the end of the night....but way cool presentation and easy serving at a time when everyone will be drooling over the fresh baked dessert.

Shop List:
2 fresh ripe peaches
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup flour
1/8 teaspoon of cinnamon (more if you wish)
dash of salt
1/4 cup softened butter (unsalted preferred)

NOTE: this recipe is for two mini peach cobblers - for 1 cut the list in half.


Wash your fruit!

Peel and cut into chunks.

Place the fruit from 1 peach in 1 ramekin.
(repeat for the other peach)

gather your dry ingredients.

Place the dry ingredients in sifter.

Sift together.

Cube the softened butter and blend with the dry ingredients using a pastry/dough tool. You can also use a fork.

Blend until it looks like buttery sand.

Top each fruit filled ramekin with the blended butter.

Bake in oven proof dish (prevents dangerous and messy sugary spill overs). Bake at 375 for 45 to 50 minutes. The peaches will be soft, warm and delicious and the top will be sweet, crunchy and crumbly.

1 comment:

  1. Perfecto! We have a large peach tree that is ready to give birth to an awesome bounty in about a week!


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