Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Craft This: Pomander Centerpiece

 Fruit Pomander Centerpiece

Fruit and spices make for a fragrant combination that gives off scent-sational results. Layer on a cake-stand or just a simple plate, either way you can easily create a stunning centerpiece. 

2 small glass plates
13 Grapefruits
Whole star anise

1. Create stripes, circles, and swirls with the cloves by gently pressing them into the fruit. You can use a pencil to create guidelines. Each fruit can be the same or different.

2. Layer a bed of greenery on the cake stand and place 5 cloved fruits on the cake stand. Next, place a glass plate on top of the fruit and add greenery to the plate and top off with 4 cloved fruits, add the second glass plate, more greenery and 3 cloved fruits.

3. Use a hot glue gun to secure the fruit, if necessary. Top off with the last fruit. Add additional greenery to any “holes” and place star anise in highlighted positions.

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