Sunday, October 19, 2008

Check out the Creative Juice goof on Style Network's The Dish

loves it!


  1. OMG That is amazing! I totally forgot about Barbie/Ken Cathie/Steve. And I guess it's nice to see Danielle Fishel hasn't faded to complete obscurity either.

  2. Hi there - are you guys doing any new episodes of Witch Crafts for 2008? Just curious. Having a party this weekend and was looking for some inspiration. Want you to know I used some of your ideas - the kids (and everyone else) LOVE the specimen jars. They show everyone who come to the front door. ;)

  3. Anonymous4:51 PM

    That is so awesome! You know you are hitting it big time when there are spoofs out there about you!


I love comments and questions. Sometimes it takes me a few days to reply. Have a wonderful day!
